The Nymphs of the "Garden of Amalia"
A story about the Athenian National Garden and its secrets.

Ferragosto, η αλλιώς, Δεκαπενταύγουστος. New story on the biggest celebration of summer.
Σιντριβάνι: šādurvān
Sintrivania (i.e.fountains) characterise the squares of the Greek capital, and to many of us, they bring up memories of joy, carelesness and play.
A former teenager shares her "fountain" memories growing up in an Athenian neighbourhood.

Heat Wave!
Our new Athenian summer story featuring Alkistis Giraud. Check out her insider tips for
Yurichat, the Greek Girl,
chooses her fAV!
We spoke to Yurichat, one of our favourite Greek bloggers, and the face behind the hashtag #thegreekgirl.
Yuri chose her favourite pieces of our new collection, and she explains why!

ELLE Awards
We are proud winners of the ELLE Young Talent Awards organised by Elle Greece and Andydote Fashion Fair for our sustainable and innovative designs. Read Amalia's interview after the nomination.
Yago-Eco Collaboration!
We partnered up with Yago-Ego Accessories, to create bespoke hardware from recycled plastic bags.